More About Me


Frank Zeng is Realtor of Intero Real Estate Services East Bay. Frank has been a bay area resident for 26 years. Frank has five generations in the Union States. His passion for success and helping others to succeed and accomplish their goals is one of her top characteristics.

On Franks free time he is an avid hiker, enjoying trails throughout the bay area. He also enjoys playing volleyball. Frank has a positive outlook on life and loves to stay active and vibrant. Also, he can be seen at a karaoke event with his friends.

Frank embodies an extensive dedication to the real estate community. He possesses a passion and determination to assist his clients accomplishes their short term and long-term goals. Within the first meeting of Frank, you will feel comfortable with him, as he will relate to your situation on a personal basis and tap into what your wants and needs are. You will experience her confidence, knowledge, and compassion.